Note: First load may take a few moments. Subsequent loads should be quick, unless you clear your browser cache and have to re-download.

Alternatively it may run better from this platform: which also is a progressive web app, so it can be stored locally on your phone as an app for much quicker loading, options preferences data persistence, and offline use.

This is the practice app to complement the following educational material:

and is ported directly from my novel rhythm game

This app has gamepad, touch, and keyboard support:

Keyboard bindings:

W, A, S, D = Left hand - Directional input: Up, Left, Down, Right (respectively) 

I, L, K, J = Right hand input: North, East, South, West (respectively)

G, H = Select, Start (respectively)

R, U = L1, R1 (respectively)

Space = input for rhythm mini-games